
A quality full-grain leather item outlasts cloth and synthetic alternatives, sometimes by decades. This durability that is inherent in good quality leather ensures that you’ll only need to buy one of our bags once, thereby reducing the number of items being produced. Production is the area where the most environmental harm is done by the fashion industry, followed by waste. Less items needing to be made means less harm to the environment in the long term.

Ethically Sourced

Much of the fashion industry seeks out specialty leathers that can only be obtained from young calves that are specifically birthed and raised for nothing but their hides. We refuse to engage in these practices and we won’t do business with any tannery that does. Our leather is strictly obtained as a by-product of the meat industry, so when cattle are slaughtered for meat, their hide is put to good use.

Why Leather?

Our leather is tough, yet soft to the touch. Waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about being caught out in the weather, or about spills. Leather offers support without adding the bulky structural fabrics that a textile constructed bag needs in order to hold a shape. This means you get a lighter, tougher bag that’s weather resistant and never goes out of fashion.